压力 & 弹性

健康 & 健康 provides services and education to help you
understand stress and build resilience.











Many variables contribute to stress. 我们的认证健康教练可以帮助你制定一个计划来确定你的压力来源, 设定目标, 努力保持平衡. 


  • 所有访问都是保密的 
  • 这项服务对所有UNH学生开放,并且对已经支付学费的全日制学生免费提供.
  • 预约 在线 或者拨打(603)862-3823.

NOTE: Our 健康 coaches do not specialize in treating anxiety, 抑郁症, or other mental health difficulties. If you are seeking help for these concerns, call Psychological and Counseling 服务 at (603) 862-2090. 如果您正在寻求健康医疗咨询或药物治疗,请致电(603)862-2856与护士交谈.  


健康部门的其他压力资源 & 健康 


每个人都有压力. It’s is your physical, emotional and mental response to life. 当你面对压力源时,你的身体会经历荷尔蒙变化和生理反应. 这被称为 应激反应. This response occurs in your brain, 是什么触发了你的神经系统,然后延伸到你身体的其他部位. 这种反应会给你带来能量爆发,帮助你处理感知到的危险/压力源. This is why your heart beats faster, your skin gets flushed or your hands start sweating when you feel stress.



并非所有的压力都是不好的. 事实上,适度和可控的压力水平能提高工作表现和健康状况. 压力可以产生动力. Without some stress, people wouldn't get a lot done. 积极压力是帮助你完成期末论文的额外荷尔蒙爆发, 在运动中获胜, 迎接每天的挑战.

从压力中学习的能力也建立在你身体的压力反应中. For several hours after you experience a stressful event, your brain is busy rewiring itself to remember and learn from the experience. 这种大脑活动可以帮助你更好地准备下一次处理类似的压力. 

When the danger/stressor has passed, 你的休息和消化反应开始帮助你冷静下来,回到自然状态.

了解更多 about the upside of stress.


如果你一直处于兴奋状态,无法回到放松状态,压力就会变得很麻烦. This happens when you avoid what is causing you stress, 预测未来的压力源,或者重播在你脑海中反复发生的压力. 这种持续的压力被称为慢性压力,会损害你的健康, often leading to mental and physical exhaustion and illness.



  • Relationships (家庭, friends, partner)
  • 失去和悲伤——任何形式的
  • 学业上的压力
  • Dissatisfaction with field of study
  • Roommates and living arrangements
  • 过渡到大学或家庭
  • 新环境
  • 时间管理
  • Balancing social life with academic life
  • Unrealistic expectations, including perfection
  • Physical health, acute and chronic health conditions
  • Gender identity and sexual orientation
  • 沟通
  • 社交媒体比较



你的身体非常聪明,有办法向你发送信息,你需要慢下来,照顾好自己. 注意以下症状:

  • 注意力不集中
  • 内存问题
  • 思维不清晰
  • 无法解决问题
  • 抑郁和悲伤
  • Irritability, frustration, annoyance, anger
  • 紧张,担心,害怕
  • 感觉失控
  • 心跳加速
  • 快速的呼吸
  • Upset stomach, constipation or diarrhea
  • 胃“蝴蝶”
  • 体重增加或减少
  • 背部、肩部或颈部疼痛
  • 紧张性头痛或偏头痛
  • 皮肤问题(i).e.(痤疮、荨麻疹)
  • 脱发
  • 手心或手出汗
  • 疲劳或睡眠困难
  • 药物滥用

避免压力会使这些症状加剧,变得更具挑战性. If you turn towards your stress and find ways to cope, you will find these symptoms will lessen in intensity or go away.



弹性 & 压力的心态

你看待压力的方式会影响你的健康以及应对和从压力中学习的能力. 学习新的应对技巧和习惯将帮助你更好地应对压力,建立弹性——或生存能力, thrive and bounce back from challenges.

了解更多 about resilience below.

睡眠,食物, & 身体运动

睡眠ing, eating and body movement patterns may shift under stress. To help your body rebalance and find energy, try to get a good night’s 睡眠 每晚8小时以上 吃得好.

Moving your body will release good stress hormones that can help you feel better. 哈默尔娱乐中心 offers many opportunities to get your body moving. 你可以尝试校内运动、个人训练、瑜伽课程、团体健身等等. Or, go for a walk around campus or 大学森林. You don’t have to go to a gym to move your body.


越来越多的证据 shows that spending time in nature is good for our health and overall well-being. 了解更多 about the benefits of nature and how to get them.

正念 & 冥想

正念是一种了解你的身体和思想正在发生什么的能力,这样你就可以轻轻地转向你正在经历的事情,并可能找到解脱. One way to be mindful is through 冥想.  学习 how we can help you create a 正念和冥想 练习应对压力.  


适应力是能够将你的个人优势转化为将困难或具有挑战性的经历转化为学习机会的能力. 弹性 is not a trait that people either have or do not have. Each time you live through adversity, 你对自己有了新的了解,并为你将面临的下一个挑战做好了更多的准备. 建设韧性从未停止.


Being resilient doesn’t protect you from pain and suffering, but it can provide you better ways to respond so that you are able to face, overcome and be transformed from adversity.

“你可以学会适应力. 但仅仅因为你学会了适应力并不意味着你不会感到压力或焦虑. You might have times when you aren't happy - and that's OK. 适应力是一段旅程,每个人都要花自己的时间."1


这些适应力因素将帮助你从你的个人优势中汲取更多的准备, live through and learn from adversity.

  • 信任
    信任ing others and yourself is the foundation of being resilient. 当你信任别人, 你不再需要控制别人的言行,而是专注于自己. 当你相信自己的时候,你会对自己感觉更好,对自己做的决定更有信心.
  • 身份
    在你的价值基础上建立你自己的身份对于度过逆境至关重要. 认同感可以帮助你知道自己能做什么和不能做什么,并确认你的权利和需要成为自己的拥护者. 一旦你明白了自己的价值,你就能更好地做出与自己一致的选择.
  • 独立
    有一种独立的感觉是有力量的,因为你不寻求别人的认可或建议. 你很乐意向别人寻求帮助,但不要指望他们帮你解决问题. 独立让你根据自己的需要采取行动,而不是别人的需要.
  • 关系/支持系统
    Relationships can become more important when we are faced with difficult times. 建立在信任、尊重和欣赏基础上的人际关系对保持韧性至关重要. 良好的人际关系可以减少你必须独自面对生活挑战的感觉.
  • 倡议 & 解决问题的能力
    认识到你的需求是什么以及满足这些需求所需的步骤是很重要的. 采取行动和解决问题对保持弹性至关重要,因为它能让你摆脱困境. 解决问题的能力可以帮助你学会掌握解决问题的必要技能,也让你更有可能与他人分享你的想法和感受, 与他人交谈, 利用支持系统(朋友), 家庭, 教授, 等.), reach out for help and develop good social skills.


Taking a moment to reflect and develop an achievable plan will help you prepare, live through and learn from a difficult situation. These questions can help you begin to reflect.

Prepare for a difficult situation

  • What do I think is going to be the outcome of this difficult task/situation?
  • Who will be affected by this problem and how?
  • What are the obstacles that I need to overcome to deal with this problem?
  • Who should know about the task or situation?
  • 我可以向谁寻求帮助?
  • What strengths do 我有 that 我可以 rely on?
  • What skills and knowledge do I need to use to get through this task/situation?

Live through a difficult situation

  • 我今天感觉怎么样?
  • Have I taken time to practice 正念和冥想?
  • How are the other people involved handling the situation?
  • What new actions need to be planned or taken?
  • 进展顺利吗?? 挑战是什么??
  • 填空. What resilience factors will you draw on as you live through the problem?
    • 我有...
    • 我可以...
    • 我是....


  • What did you learn about yourself?
  • What did you learn about your friends?
  • What did you learn about yourself when you had to ask for help?
  • Why was this a meaningful experience for me?

1American Psychological Association. 青少年的适应力:得到反弹? L最后一次访问是在2021年1月8日. http://www.apa.org/topics/bounce-resilience-teens
伊迪丝·H·格罗斯伯格著. 2001. Tapping Your Inner Strength: How to Find the 弹性 to Deal with Anything. 
 American Psychological Association. 建立你的适应能力. 最后一次访问是在2021年1月8日. http://www.apa.org/topics/resilience

Use these resources to help you build your resilience. 记住,每个人的旅程都是不同的——对你有用的不一定对别人有用.